About us

Geo-philosophy of the Balkans – GEOBALKANS – is an ERASMUS Strategic Partnership initiated in 2020, including diverse researchers and institutions from North Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, and Italy, with the aim to develop inter-disciplinary and critical study programs in Balkans Studies. Based on the main premises of critical thinking, regional cooperation and reconciliation, GEOBALKANS stands for bringing into dialogue not only diverse research disciplines but also cultural, political and social practices that elaborate the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic phenomena that affect the Balkans region. By introducing the Balkans region as laboratory of modernity (I. Chambers), GEOBALKANS deals with critical analysis of the ongoing political challenges, and tries to compose emancipatory exits towards more just worlds.

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The partnership coordinated by AUE FON University in Skopje, in collaboration with the partner institutions Singidunum University in Belgrade, L’Orientale University in Naples, Panteion University in Athens, and University of Verona is devoted to sharing knowledge, academic and civic practices that will improve the regional and wider cooperation, especially with emphasis on the establishment of the academic axis between Athens, Skopje and Belgrade, supported by the expertise and supervision of relevant sources of knowledge and research that regard the Italian partners, their universities and renowned research centres. With geo-philosophy as the framework of the integrated MA and PhD programs in critical inter-disciplinary Balkans Studies, we would like to emphasise, on the one hand, the geopolitical specificity of the knowledge and research production of the proposed program, which is to say production and distribution of transdisciplinary knowledge regarding human geography, philosophy, international law, critical political theory about the Balkans and the hegemonic and counter-hegemonic (emancipatory, progressive and resistant) discourses and material practices of production and mobilization of political subjectivities in the Balkans.

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Viki Mladenova
Viki Mladenova

Coordinator of Geo-philosophy of the Balkans

Affiliation: PhD student at L’Orientale University in Naples

Research fields: Critical legal studies, political philosophy

Ljubomir Frckoski
Ljubomir Frckoski

Member of the Steering group

Affiliation: Ambassador of North Macedonia at the United Nations

Research fields: Negotiation, international law

Biljana Puleska
Biljana Puleska

Member of the Steering group

Affiliation: Tenure professor at AUE FON University

Research fields: International law and human rights

Slavco Dimitrov
Slavco Dimitrov

Member of Bodies Politics working group (IO1)

Affiliation: PhD student at Singidunum University in Belgrade

Research fields: Queer and feminist studies, critical theory

Gordan Georgiev
Gordan Georgiev

Member of Critique of Illiberal Ideologies working group (IO1)

Affiliation: Independent researcher

Research fields: Political philosophy

Zarko Cvejic
Žarko Cvejić

Project Coordinator for Singidunum University (Faculty of Media and Communication) 

Affiliation: Faculty of Media and Communication, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia

Research fields: Historical musicology


Alexandra Perisic
Alexandra Perišić

Coordinator of IO2

Affiliation: Faculty of Media and Communication, Singidunum University, Belgrade, Serbia

Research fields: Postcolonial studies, comparative literature, cultural studies


Rade Pantic
Rade Pantić

Co-coordinator of IO1 (pillar Critique of illiberal ideologies)

Affiliation: Associate professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade

Research fields: Theory of arts and media, historical materialism, theory of ideology, world systems analysis


Igor Stiks
Igor Štiks

Member of IO1 (pillar Borders, Immigration, Communities)

Affiliation: Professor at the Faculty of Media and Communications, Singidunum University, Belgrade

Research fields: Citizenship studies, Critical Theory, Social Movements, Political Art


Dimitris Christopoulos
Dimitris Christopoulos

Member of the Steering Committee for Panteion University

Affiliation: Professor of Politology, Dean of the Political Sciences Faculty of Pantion University

Research fields: Citizenship, minorities, migration, censorship, human rights, legal and state theory, Balkan studies


Georgia Spyropoulou
Georgia Spyropoulou

Project Coordinator for Panteion University

Affiliation: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece

Research fields: Migration, asylum, citizenship, human rights


Christina Koulouri
Christina Koulouri

Researcher of Memory Studies

Affiliation: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece

Research fields: Modern and Contemporary History, Memory Studies, Nationalism Studies, History of Education, History of Sport


Eirini Avramopoulou
Eirini Avramopoulou

Researcher of Bodies Politics

Affiliation: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece

Research fields: Political and Legal Anthropology, Gender/Queer studies, Postcolonial studies, Critical legal theory and, human rights and social movements


Kostis Karpozilos
Kostis Karpozilos

Coordinator of Memory Studies

Affiliation: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece

Research fields: History; diaspora studies; social movements; transnational history; memory studies


Lambros Baltsiotis
Lambros Baltsiotis

Researcher of Memory Studies and Migration, Politics and Borders

Affiliation: Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens, Greece

Research fields: History of minorities, linguistic and religious groups in the Balkans; Migration, Asylum and Citizenship

Elena Tavani
Elena Tavani

Project Coordinator for L’Orientale University

Affiliation: Full Professor of Aesthetics

Research fields: Aesthetics, critical theory, aesthetics and politics, image theories, contemporary visual media and installation art


Iain Chamber
Iain Chambers

Researcher (pillar Borders, Immigration, Communities)

Affiliation: University of Naples L’Orientale

Research fields: Cultural, postcolonial and decolonial studies. Histories of the Mediterranean basin


Stamatia Portanova
Stamatia Portanova

Project Coordinator for University of Naples ‘L’Orientale’
Coordinator of the pillar ‘Politics of Borders, Migration, Communities’

Affiliation: University of Naples L’Orientale

Research fields: Digital Cultures, Digital Philosophy, Sociology of Culture and Communication, Critical Theory of Automation Processes
Member of the TRU (Technocultures Research Unit) and of the CPGS (Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies) at the ‘Orientale’


Annalisa Piccirillo
Annalisa Piccirillo

Project Coordinator I03
Researcher (pillar Borders, Immigration, Communities)

Affiliation: University of Naples L’Orientale

Research fields: Choreography and Corporeality, Dance and Performance based practices; Gender Studies, Archival Studies, Mediterranean Studies.
Co-curator of the project: M.A.M – Matri-Archive of the Mediterranean, member of the Centre for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (UniOr)


Lorenzo Bernini
Lorenzo Bernini

Project Coordinator for the University of Verona and member of the Steering Group

Affiliation: Associate Professor at the University of Verona

Research fields: Political Philosophy, Critical Theory, Queer Theories, Psychoanalysis


Massimo Prearo
Massimo Prearo

Project Coordinator for University of Verona

Affiliation: Researcher at the University of Verona

Research fields: Political Sciences, Social Movements, Gender and Queer Studies, Critical Theory


Irene Villa
Irene Villa

Member of IO4 (Pillar Body politics)’

Affiliation: PhD Student at the University of Verona

Research fields: Critical Theory, Gender and Queer Studies, Feminist and Lesbian Theories, Trans* History


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