
10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

BeFem – feminist cultural center is a Serbian feminist group established in March 2011 but actively working in the feminist field since mid 2009.
BeFem promotes ideas and politics of feminism and encourages young women to get involved and contribute in re/constructing reality. Main course of the BeFem is the BeFem festival of feminist culture and action. Festival is a continuation of what the feminist movement has been doing so far and at the same time it is opening new fields of action through dialogue and initiatives with feminists with different background. Every year BeFem is formed through cooperation between activists, theorists and musicians from Balkan region and Sweden.
Apart from the festival, BeFem organizes the course “Feminist Media Culture: Gender Production”, in cooperation with Center for Women’s Studies within the one-year undergraduate program of Women’s Studies.

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  • Institution: BeFem

  • Language: English, Serbian

  • Media type: Website

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