Skopje Pride Weekend

Skopje Pride Weekend - Festival for queer arts, culture and theory

Skopje Pride Weekend - Festival for queer arts, culture and theory

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

Skopje Pride Weekend is a festival for queer arts, culture and theory, whose goal is creating space for presentation and promotion of non-normative forms of world-making, that is to say relations, affects, identity positions, bodily styles and sensibilities that have been marked, by the heteronormative, nationalistic and neoliberal capitalist context, as queer, eccentric failures. The program’s focus of the Skopje Pride Weekend is set on cultural and arts performing practices, as well as gender, sexuality and queer theory’s knowledge productions and critique. In the course of previous years we have hosted exhibitions, performances, lectures, seminars by Vaginal Davis and Boryana Rossa, Cassils, Hélène Barriere and Victor Marzouk, Dominic Johnson, Aérea Negrot, Ephemeral Confessions, Del LaGrace Volcano, David Hoyle and the Lipsinkers, Ivo Dimchev, Travis Alabanza, Ron Athey, boychild, Rachael Young, David M. Halperin, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Renate Lorenz and Pauline Boudry, Karin Michalski, Federica Dauri and Hermes Pittakos, Keijaun Thomas, STEAM ROOM, Lauren Berlant, FRANKO B, Nao Bustamante and Marcus Kuiland Nazario, SVETLOST, SPIT! Manifesto collective, Jelisaveta Blagojevic, Julie Tolentino and Stosh Fila, Matthieu Hocquemiller, Julischka Stengele, Wolfgang Tillmans etc.

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  • Institution: Skopje Pride Weekend

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Website

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Placeholder Body Politics

International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

The annual International Festival of Contemporary Arts – City of Women takes place at the beginning of October. Inviting between forty and sixty women artists and theorists each years, it attracts several thousand visitors from all ages, professions and interests. Since its institution, the Festival has welcomed over seven hundred female and male artists, collectives, groups, curators, theorists and activists from all over the world, ranging from the emerging to the pre-eminent. In establishing liaisons with many different institutional and alternative venues in the city of Ljubljana, Slovenia and abroad, the Festival enjoys wide media exposure. Slovenia’s premier national cultural centre, Cankarjev Dom, has been its main co-producer. As a transdisciplinary festival, it has a rather experimental profile, welcoming artists who experiment with, blur, and even cross, the boundaries of genres.

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  • Institution: International Festival of Contemporary Arts

  • Language: English, Slovenian

  • Media type: Website

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10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

BeFem – feminist cultural center is a Serbian feminist group established in March 2011 but actively working in the feminist field since mid 2009.
BeFem promotes ideas and politics of feminism and encourages young women to get involved and contribute in re/constructing reality. Main course of the BeFem is the BeFem festival of feminist culture and action. Festival is a continuation of what the feminist movement has been doing so far and at the same time it is opening new fields of action through dialogue and initiatives with feminists with different background. Every year BeFem is formed through cooperation between activists, theorists and musicians from Balkan region and Sweden.
Apart from the festival, BeFem organizes the course “Feminist Media Culture: Gender Production”, in cooperation with Center for Women’s Studies within the one-year undergraduate program of Women’s Studies.

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  • Institution: BeFem

  • Language: English, Serbian

  • Media type: Website

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Cultural Gender Practices Network

Cultural Gender Practices Network

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

The Platform arises from the need for a free and safe space where activist, intellectual, artistic and cultural production can take place, which will contribute to the visibility of various feminist practices and technologies of resistance. Regional women’s, feminist and queer festivals, media websites and initiatives belong to the continuity of feminist practices in the nEXt YU area, while at the same time they open up new fields of action and voice a new generation of feminists with different private and public histories. Members of the platform are collaborating in different projects, the main one in this period is WoW – Women on Women.

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  • Institution: Cultural Gender Practices Network

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Website

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The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje (ISSHS)

The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje (ISSHS)

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje (ISSHS) is a nonprofit research organization in applied social and humanities studies focusing mainly on multi-issue policy studies. It holds the status of a scientific institution in the fields of social sciences and humanities accorded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia (Decision nr. 30). It is also an accredited graduate school offering MA level programs in multi-issue policy studies, cultural studies and gender studies. The Institute holds an Erasmus+ charter of Higher Education Institutions in Europe. Its core activities consist in multi–issue policy studies and policy related advocacy and training, coupled with basic research in the social sciences and humanities.

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  • Institution: The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Language: English, Macedonian

  • Media type: Website

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VOX Feminae

Vox Feminae platform (Croatia)

Vox Feminae platform (Croatia)

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

Vox Feminae platform – is a space of gender and media culture which acts as a platform of voices. The mission of the independent media portal (updated daily since 2006.), Vox Feminae Festival (held every fall since 2007.), video production (3 documentaries and around 50 short videos) and services is to increase the visibility and influence of women and all the other gender aware individuals and groups who, through their work, contribute to the creation of a society of gender equality and by their own example encourage socially responsible action.

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  • Institution: Vox Feminae

  • Language: Croatian

  • Media type: Website

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Gender and Politics Research Network in South-East Europe (GenPolSEE)

Gender and Politics Research Network in South-East Europe (GenPolSEE)

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

Gender and Politics Research Network in South-East Europe (GenPolSEE) is a network that primarily foster research on gender and political representation from a feminist perspective in the Balkans and Southeast Europe. The network is dedicated to the exchange of knowledge and research experience, the promotion of feminist methodology and connecting with international expertise, networks and platforms that support theoretical and empirical research of an innovative and transformative issues.

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  • Institution: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory - University of Belgrade

  • Language: English, Srpski

  • Media type: Website

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Aspasia - The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History

Aspasia - The International Yearbook of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern European Women's and Gender History

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

Aspasia is the international peer-reviewed annual of women’s and gender history of Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (CESEE). It aims to transform European women’s and gender history by expanding comparative research on women and gender to all parts of Europe, creating a European history of women and gender that encompasses more than the traditional Western European perspective. Aspasia particularly emphasizes research that examines the ways in which gender intersects with other categories of social organization and advances work that explores transnational aspects of women’s and gender histories within, to, and from CESEE. The journal also provides an important outlet for the publication of articles by scholars working in CESEE itself. Its contributions cover a rich variety of topics and historical eras, as well as a wide range of methodologies and approaches to the history of women and gender.

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  • Institution: Berghahn Journals

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Journal

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Marta Popivoda

Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body – Movie by Marta Popivoda

Yugoslavia, How Ideology Moved Our Collective Body – Movie by Marta Popivoda

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

The film deals with the question of how ideology performs itself in public space through mass performances. The author collected and analyzed film and video footage from the period of Yugoslavia (1945 – 2000), focusing on state performances (youth work actions, May Day parades, celebrations of the Youth Day, etc.) as well as counter-demonstrations (’68, student and civic demonstrations in the ‘90s, 5th October revolution, etc.). Going back through the images, the film traces how communist ideology was gradually exhausted through the changing relations between the people, ideology, and the state.

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  • Institution: Marta Popivoda

  • Language: Serbo-Croatian with English subtitles

  • Media type: Video

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GENERO - A journal of feminist theory and cultural studies

GENERO - A journal of feminist theory and cultural studies

10/07/2023In Bodies Politics

GENERO is an interdisciplinary scientific journal that gathers scholars and researchers in social sciences, humanities, literature and art theory who excel within their respective disciplines and who are ready to reflect contemporary trends in society. The journal’s mission is to serve as a framework for an interdisciplinary dialogue between different fields of humanities and social sciences, and as a platform for richer dialogue between the region of the former Yugoslavia and international academic communities. GENERO publishes original theoretical and scientific papers from the fields of feminist theory, gender studies, women’s studies, theory of culture and cultural studies, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary and critical approach.

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  • Institution: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Science

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Journal

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