Historical Dialogues

Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network

Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network

11/07/2023In Memory studies

The Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network is hosted by Columbia University’s Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability (AHDA), at the Institute for the Study of Human Rights (ISHR) in New York. The Dialogues encourages interdisciplinary and transnational research on issues relating to the memorialization and historicization of conflicts and historic wrongs, historical and transitional justice, the promotion of sustainable peace and participatory democracy, and reconciliation and historical dialogue. It aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge across the divides of academic institutions, disciplines and fields, of national and local contexts, and of theory and practice.

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  • Institution: Columbia University’s Alliance for Historical Dialogue and Accountability

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Website

Related Resources

Placeholder Memory study

Memory Studies Journal

Memory Studies Journal

11/07/2023In Memory studies

Memory Studies is an international peer reviewed journal, which examines the social, cultural, cognitive, political and technological shifts affecting how, what and why individuals, groups and societies remember, and forget. The journal responds to and seeks to shape public and academic discourses on the nature, manipulation, and contestation of memory in the contemporary era.

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  • Institution: Sage Journals

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Journal

Related Resources

Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform

Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform

Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform

11/07/2023In Memory studies

The Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform (FMSP) is an initiative of the Forschungszentrum für Historische Geisteswissenschaften (FzHG). It brings together people and projects from history, sociology, literature, arts, media studies, psychology, and other relevant disciplines in a dialogue about memory. It wants to shape the future of memory studies by developing and discussing new research questions and new methodologies

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  • Institution: Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform (FzHG)

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Platform

Related Resources

Digital Holocaust Memory

Digital Holocaust Memory

Digital Holocaust Memory

11/07/2023In Memory studies

Digital Holocaust Memory maps the digital Holocaust memoryscape, including institutional and amateur projects. It goal is furthermore to establish a network of heritage and archive professionals, academics, amateur and professional media producers, and digital audiences/users to explore potential digital futures for Holocaust memory together.

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  • Institution: University of Sussex

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Website

Related Resources


Kulture Sećanja Podcast

Kulture Sećanja Podcast

11/07/2023In Memory studies

Memory Cultures in Dialogue is a podcast and blog of the Humanitarian Law Center from Belgrade, Serbia. The podcast and blog oppose the hegemonic narratives about the breakup of Yugoslavia and the wars that ensued. The project strives to promote a public dialogue about politics and cultures of memory and coming to terms with the past.

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  • Institution: Humanitarian Law Center

  • Language: Serbian, English

  • Media type: Podcast

Related Resources

Remembering Yugoslavia

Podcast remembering Yugoslavia

Podcast remembering Yugoslavia

11/07/2023In Memory studies

Podcast remembering Yugoslavia, features authors and scholarly work with critical engagement with the memory of Yugoslavia, of its end, and what came after.

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  • Institution: Remembering Yugoslavia

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Podcast

Related Resources


The Spomenik Database

The Spomenik Database

10/07/2023In Memory studies

The Spomenik Database was set up in 2016 by writer Donald Niebyl to act as a comprehensive online resource for the most significant and notable of the abstract & modernist World War II monuments built in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia between 1960 to 1990.

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  • Institution: Donald Nieby

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Database

Related Resources

Placeholder Memory study

Memory studies

Summer school for sexualities, cultures, and politics

06/06/2023In Memory studies

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  • Institution: --

  • Website: --

  • Language: --

  • Media type: --

Related Resources

Memory Studies Association

Memory Studies Association (MSA)

Memory Studies Association (MSA)

28/04/2023In Memory studies

Memory Studies Association (MSA) featured keynote lectures and digital events from its annual conference, as well as other useful resources and information.

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  • Institution: Memory Studies Association (MSA)

  • Language: English

  • Media type: Website

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