Educational Resources

Here you can find innovative research and socio-political practices on the Balkans.

Explore by research cluster
Citizenship in Southeast Europe

University of Edinburgh, Citizenship in Southeast Europe project

University of Edinburgh, Citizenship in Southeast Europe project includes country profiles, citizenship laws and…

Global Citizenship Observatory

Global Citizenship Observatory

The Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) is an online observatory committed to fact-based and non-partisan…

Historical Dialogues

Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network

The Historical Dialogues, Justice, and Memory Network is hosted by Columbia University’s Alliance for Historical…

The Web Museum

The Web Museum – Museum of Modern Art plus Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova

The Web Museum is designed as an online platform for inventory, systematisation, digitisation and conservation of…

Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform

Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform

The Frankfurt Memory Studies Platform (FMSP) is an initiative of the Forschungszentrum für Historische…

Digital Holocaust Memory

Digital Holocaust Memory

Digital Holocaust Memory maps the digital Holocaust memoryscape, including institutional and amateur projects. It goal…

UNHCR Asylum Statistics Dashboard

UNHCR – Asylum Statistics Dashboard

This dashboard is realized with monthly data collected by each country in South Eastern Europe, in coordination with…

Archive ZaUm

Archive ZaUm – an archive of events and texts related to contemporary Macedonian fine art

The ZaUm archive arises from the need to gather in one place, and to offer for use online, as many materials as…

Sofia Queer Forum

Sofia Queer Forum

Sofia Queer Forum is an event that investigates, with the means of contemporary arts, gender and sexuality as parallel…