Educational Resources

Here you can find innovative research and socio-political practices on the Balkans.

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Cultural Gender Practices Network

The Platform arises from the need for a free and safe space where activist, intellectual, artistic and cultural…


The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje (ISSHS)

The Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities, Skopje (ISSHS) is a nonprofit research organization in applied social…

VOX Feminae

Vox Feminae platform (Croatia)

Vox Feminae platform – is a space of gender and media culture which acts as a platform of voices.


Gender and Politics Research Network in South-East Europe (GenPolSEE)

Gender and Politics Research Network in South-East Europe (GenPolSEE) is a network that primarily foster research on…

TkH Walking Theory

TkH (Walking Theory) / Teorija koja Hoda

TkH is an independent (institutionally non-aligned, extra-academic) platform for performing theoretical-artistic…

Placeholder Critique illiberal ideology

Working Group for Public Sociology “Helyzet”

The Working Group for Public Sociology “Helyzet” was established in 2010 by PhD students and young post-doctoral…

Digital and Video Archive

Digital and Video Archive (Slovenia/Yugoslavia)

DIVA Station is a physical and web archive of video and new-media art which has been developing since 2005, and is also…

Cultural Opposition

Cultural Opposition – Understanding the CultuRal HeritAGE of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries

COURAGE (“Cultural Opposition – Understanding the CultuRal HeritAGE of Dissent in the Former Socialist Countries”) is a…

Performance Art in Eastern Europe

Performance Art in Eastern Europe

This website is a developing database of artists who have created or are currently creating performances (action art,…